The Parents Guide to Children's Car Seats

Written by David Jones

It wasn't very long ago that car seats were not required to transport babies and children in automobiles. In generations past babies were held by passengers (seatbelts not required) and children could sit in any seat without having a safety belt on. However, the fact that children and babies were not riding safely, and the increase in injuries from this, prompted the government to act and require car seat usage for babies and children.

The seats that are used vary by the size and age of the child. For babies, a rear facing car seat is required in vehicles. Once a child becomes a toddler, they will generally transition into a front facing seat. Children should remain in a booster seat type car seat until they are big enough to seat in a regular seat, to prevent seat belt accidents.

However, the key to car seat usage is proper installation. The car seat needs to be securely fastened so that in the event of an accident, the seat will stay in place. To ensure that you child car seat is installed properly, many law enforcement agencies will be glad to check your car seat. Also, many communities will have car seat safety days where your vehicle can be inspected to make sure your seat is safe for your child.

Your child is your most precious possession. Make sure that when they are in your vehicle they are in a safe and approved child car seat. A little effort by parents can make sure that children are safe in your car from birth to their teen years. To learn more about car seat safety, we have gathered the following information.

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